Fire Towers of Maine

We've located all fire towers known to be still standing in New England, mapped and categorized them based on the interests of trail users. Some fire towers are safe to climb, though you're likely to find the cabin atop the towers locked. Please respect locked gates and posted signs and do not climb any fire tower that may be unsafe. Also, Maine fire tower locations in particular can be in very remote areas away from roads, settlements and cellphone service and require significant safety precautions.
Fire Tower List
Name & Location | Coordinates | Trail Review |
Agamenticus Mt | 43.223733,-70.692670 | 4★ Trail |
Allagash Mt | 46.292126,-69.568354 | |
Almanac Mt | 45.343193,-68.093237 | |
Ararat Mt | 43.940495,-69.959523 | |
Bald Mt (aka Oquossoc) | 44.943543,-70.775572 | |
Barren Mt | 45.415881,-69.370328 | |
Blue Mt | 44.728114,-70.342010 | |
Beetle Mt | 46.288373,-69.026777 | |
Beech Mt | 44.310832,-68.345082 | |
Big Moose Mt | 45.484063,-69.711546 | |
Big Spencer Mt | 45.775701,-69.443120 | |
Chase Hill | 44.829363,-69.545111 | |
Coburn Mt | 45.468608,-70.126404 | |
Day Hill | 44.965662,-67.649156 | |
Deasey Mt | 45.941411,-68.685532 | |
Deboullie Mt | 46.970594,-68.875877 | |
Flagstaff Mt | 45.241150,-70.306260 | |
Grand Lake Stream | 45.185922,-67.774461 | |
Green Mt | 45.951346,-70.122498 | |
Hardwood Mt | 45.439844,-70.332590 | |
Hope Mt | 43.418427,-70.800096 | |
Horseshoe Mt | 46.589751,-68.998074 | |
Howe Brook Mt | 46.296437,-68.162806 | |
Johnston Hill | 44.013773,-69.429849 | |
Kelly Mt | 45.056615,-69.735465 | |
Kibby Mt | 45.418740,-70.544350 | |
Kineo Mt | 45.699794,-69.733763 | |
Little Russell Mt | 46.119757,-69.768674 | |
Littles Mt | 44.852741,-67.159831 | |
Medford | 45.237301,-68.880298 | |
Milton Mt (aka Mitten Mt) | 44.722240,-67.668224 | |
Musquash Mt | 45.388784,-67.796445 | |
Nulhedus Mt | 46.035479,-69.869355 | |
Number 4 Mt | 45.613375,-69.407743 | |
Number 5 Mt | 45.501158,-70.386915 | |
Number 9 Mt | 46.422325,-68.023648 | |
Oak Hill | 46.365846,-68.386415 | |
Old Speck Mt | 44.570812,-70.953674 | |
Ossipee Hill | 43.587717,-70.739343 | |
Peekaboo Mt | 45.746326,-67.879919 | |
Pisgah Mt | 44.306101,-70.023931 | |
Pleasant Mt | 44.027039,-70.822349 | |
Ragged Mt | 45.584516,-68.892279 | |
Rocky Mt | 47.191765,-69.281560 | |
Ross Mt | 46.547019,-69.764386 | |
Round Pond Mt | 46.794407,-69.233170 | |
Schoodic Mt | 44.573356,-68.146900 | |
Snow Mt | 45.291476,-70.709240 | |
Soubunge Mt | 45.975555,-69.195772 | |
Squapan Mt | 46.570796,-68.199962 | |
Stockholm Mt | 47.042886,-68.115286 | |
Streaked Mt | 44.250115,-70.422915 | |
Three Brooks Mt | 46.993390,-68.479160 | |
Trundy Point | 43.579130,-70.213429 | |
Tumbledown Mt | 44.750892,-70.547290 | |
Whitney Hill | 45.658870,-68.187469 | |
Williams Mt | 45.553959,-70.008248 | |
York Hill | 44.596770,-69.973550 | |
We use our own on-the-ground data where available, supplemented by desktop reviews of aerial imagery. Sometimes we're also informed by other sites including ExpertGPS and Wilderlist. We cannot guarantee location accuracy of items on this map, nor can we confirm which towers are publicly accessible. We welcome feedback to improve our maps.
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