Concord-Lake Sunapee Rail Trail, NH
• 4-star trail
• 8.0 miles each way (in segments)
• Easy & Medium | Easy elevation
• Newbury - Concord, NH | Merrimack, Sunapee Region
• Driving Directions: See Reviews
The proposed route's terminus on the shores of Lake Sunapee.
Trailspotting Rail Trail Map
NH's first complete rail trail map. With links to our reviews, photos & detailed route maps.
NH's first complete rail trail map. With links to our reviews, photos & detailed route maps.
The ambitious plan to create a thirty-four mile long park spanning between New Hampshire's state capital and Lake Sunapee is gradually being realized thanks to the efforts of many volunteers and donors, and lots of small victories along the route.
This article collects Trailspotting's reviews of each section that is presently accessible to the public and lists them out beneath the following map. We also indicate where it's possible to link sections together with short lengths of road biking. We will update this map as the Concord-Lake Sunapee Rail Trail project secures public access to more land along the route.
Trailspotting reviews of CLSRT segments:
1. Tilly Wheeler | 3★, 0.6mi | Review
2. Warner | 3★, 0.3mi | Review
3. Bagley Field | 3★, 0.7mi | Review
4. Stevens | 3★, 2.2mi | Review
5. Mast Yard | 3★, 1.7mi | Review
6. Fisherville-Carter Rd | 4★, 2.5mi | Review
• Trailspotting Map: Google Earth KMZ
• Facebook Group: Comment on this article
Concord-Lake Sunapee RT
The Concord-Lake Sunapee Rail Trail (CLSRT) is looking for volunteers and donors to help to link Concord and Lake Sunapee.
The Concord-Lake Sunapee Rail Trail (CLSRT) is looking for volunteers and donors to help to link Concord and Lake Sunapee.